
virus COVID-19 2020 Humanity faces this huge disaster people need mask to protect body

At beginning of 2020 Humanity faces this huge disaster,the virus COVID-19!

Many people get sick due to the unknow virus,worse thing is also many people died.

how terrible!!!

From this picture,we see that many countries infected.

The COVID-19 break out in China,but scientists still not sure where the virus come from.

At this moment,human should work togther to overcome the virus.

However,Conspirators use media to claim this is Chinese reponsible !

World Health Organization has clarified,we not sure where the COVID-19 from.

We have confidence scientists will work out for it.

We hope all people in the world know that,we human is closely connected at this  Economic Globalization background.

Our common enemy is the COVID-19,not people from which country!

I believer,all the top scientists work together,we will solve this terrible problem,human will win finally !

From this picture,we know that china is bad infected by the COVID-19.

Chinese goverment work hard to save lifies,till now,expect hubei province,there are 5 people sick.

The china do best to protect world,to stop virus infected other countries.

Although,we are sad to see Japan,Korea and Italy in bad situation.

China will do best to help these countries.we are together,the world is family when we meet common enemy!

Let us pray for the world,pray for all people get sick.believer that,all will coming better,sunshine after running!

sunshine come after running!

